Negotiating Annual Terms with Amazon for Optimal Results

Date: December 17, 2024

Join us for an exclusive roundtable discussion with special guest Martin Heubel, where we’ll explore strategies and best practices for negotiating favorable annual terms with Amazon. Martin, a renowned strategy consultant and former Senior Manager at Amazon, is known for his expert guidance in helping vendors boost their margins to profitable levels on Amazon.

The session will kick off with a 15-minute presentation by Martin, offering early insights into Amazon’s retail performance and key considerations for 2025 terms negotiations. Following this, we will engage in a roundtable discussion where you can gain valuable perspectives on addressing common challenges and learn effective tactics to improve your negotiation outcomes. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with peers, ask questions, and develop a robust negotiation strategy to ensure your business thrives in the Amazon ecosystem.

We will base the discussion around the following 3 questions:

  1. What are some common challenges you’ve encountered when negotiating annual terms with Amazon, and how have you addressed them?
  2. Can you share any specific tactics or strategies that have helped you achieve favorable outcomes in your negotiations with Amazon?
  3. How do you anticipate future trends or changes in the Amazon ecosystem and incorporate them into your negotiation approach?

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